Check out the differences between engagement rings and wedding rings

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The difference between an engagement ring and a wedding ring is worth knowing. Wear the proposal ring and wedding ring together on the ring finger. However, during an engagement the proposal ring can be worn alone and then stacked with the wedding ring on the wedding day.

In developing tradition, an engagement ring will be worn on a woman’s finger if she has agreed to her partner’s proposal. Generally, men don’t wear engagement rings, so only women do.

Reported from various sources on Friday (15/3/2024), IDX Channel has summarized the differences between engagement rings and wedding rings, as follows.

Difference between Engagement Ring and Wedding Ring

In Terms of Ring Placement

In the tradition of wearing rings adopted in this country, engagement rings are mostly worn on the ring finger of the left hand, while wedding rings are usually worn on the ring finger of the right hand. However, actually there are no fixed rules about this, and many people prefer to be free to choose where they want to wear their ring, as long as it’s comfortable.

2. In terms of Ring Character

The engagement ring is optional, not mandatory. Some couples may choose to celebrate the proposal moment without rings. This decision may be influenced by economic considerations or other personal reasons.

Meanwhile, a wedding ring is an official symbol of a relationship. It is an important element in the wedding ceremony that marks the beginning of a life together. Because it is considered a legal symbol, wedding rings are legally mandatory in the wedding procession.

3. In terms of ring design

Engagement rings are usually worn temporarily. Therefore, most of the ring designs are more elegant, some are even made with diamonds. It’s not surprising that diamonds are one of the favorites for rings like this. Wedding ring designs are usually simpler because there are practical considerations. This tiny object will be used every day and for a longer time. So, the design tends to be minimalist, so as not to interfere with activities.

4. In terms of the number of rings

The engagement ring is usually one, and is worn by the female partner. If there are two wedding rings, one for the female partner and one for the male partner. That is what binds the promise and bond of love between the two.

5. In terms of Momentum

Wedding rings are given at a special moment, namely when a couple says their sacred vows at their wedding, making a promise to live forever. Meanwhile, an engagement ring is a sign of love when a man proposes to his partner, opening a new chapter in their love story after going through a period of dating.